I am getting the following error: ERROR(codesign) - CodesignError: Failed to codesign

I am getting the following error: ERROR(codesign) - CodesignError: Failed to codesign

If you are seeing that error then there could be several reasons why this could occur. To rectify the situation please ensure your Mac meets all of the required configurations.

For iOS application signing:

iOS application signing requires you to have the following items available to you.

  1. An Apple Developer Account. You will need to have an Apple Signing certificate and the ability to register Apple App IDs and Mobile Provisioning profiles.

  2. A Mac computer with XCode installed

  3. Python 3 installed on your Mac

  4. You have the required signing certificate installed in the Keychain of your Mac

  5. the Mobile provisioning profile is either in the signing bundle folder or you provide a path to it when prompted by the signing scripts

Please see the following links for more information and instructions.

iOS signing and provisioning information

Video example of signing an application

For Android Application Signing

Android signing on a Mac requires the user of Android Developer Bundle and a bit of configuration to properly work. Please ensure that you have downloaded and installed Android Studio SDK, including build-tools 29.0.2+. The signing process uses apksigner and zipalign, which are included in the build-tools.

  1. You have installed Android Studio SDK, including build-tools 29.0.2+

  2. You will need to configure two global variables on your Mac so that the signing script can located the sdk and build-tools

Please see the following links for more information and instructions.



Configuring Mac for Android Signing

External Signing Android App on Mac

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